Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Examining Code of Ethics in the Early Childhood Field

Examining Code of Ethics in the Early Childhood Field
As early childhood professionals we are all responsible for following and respecting our code of ethics for the populations we serve. For this post I shall be looking at three ideals that represent meaning and purpose for me professionally. Which ethical considerations strike a code with you and your practice?
National Association for the Education of Young Children:

“Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment" (April, 2005) 

I-1.2- To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.
This ideal represents my own professional goal towards professional development. Part of my professional development is to continue to immerse myself in current research, and training opportunities.
I-1.3-To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.
I find this ideal to be speaking about advocacy. As early childhood educators and professionals we are advocating for the children and families we serve. If we are to adequately serve children we must recognize and support children’s gift and abilities. I always try to remember this within my practice with children.
I-1.5- To create and maintain a safe and healthy settings that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.
This statement is about creating and supporting developmentally appropriate practice. DAP is our guide in creating quality programming for young children. As professionals we must always create high quality standards for ourselves and the field as a whole.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2010). Code of ethical conduct and statement of commitment. Retrieved from


  1. Hi Lindsey! I also chose I-1.5 and posted it on my blog. I think DAP is key to a quality early learning environment. This can be challenging for centers that group children in classrooms by age (3's, 4's, & 5's classrooms). We know from research and experience that not all 4 year olds develop at the same rate. Children follow a developmental sequence of their own!

  2. I1.3 Really resonated with me too. My personal interpretation was to meet children where they are developmentally and develop a curriculum that suits their needs. I work with really young children though, 0-3.


  3. Lindsey,
    You chose some very important ideals. I-1.5 which considers the quality learning environment. Having a developmentally appropriate curriculum and environment is paramount to maximum learning taking place. Allowing the children to make contributions and to lead the path of learning helps the learning to become a part of the child's long term memory.

  4. Lindsey-Your blog was awesome to follow! You also had great information as well as great graphics to go with the page. Thank you for all of your hardwork on the course and sharing so much knowledge with me about you line of work in Canada. Good luck with all of your future courses!!

  5. Lindsey, I have enjoyed so much reading your discussion and blog posts. One of the first things I remember you saying in regard to your work, was that once mothers in the Stage 2 Shelter are able to stabilized, their children stabilize, and develop a greater capacity to learn. This has inspired me throughout the course and the gist of it even made it into one of my applications. Thanks for so many great contributions!


  6. Lindsey,

    I have enjoyed reading your blog posts and discussions. It has been interesting "hearing" about ECE in Canada. You have done a wonderful job with your blog. I love the pictures you have included. It was also great to get a different perspective. It helped me not to be so narrowly focused on education. Thank you for all that you were willing to share.

  7. Lindsey,
    What a wonderful, thoughtful blog you have developed. I look forward to having you as a classmate in the future. I enjoyed your posts and appreciate how much time you had to have spent to develop this site. Very well done!
