Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Additional Resources for Sharing

Welcome Class Mates, i encourage everyone to share in these selected Resources:

1.) Child and Family Canada- Canadian Child Care Federation.
The Canadian Child Care Federation is the managing partner of a collaborative, bilingual website called Child & Family Canada ( This is a completely Canadian site where 46 non-profit organizations have posted documents on topics of interest to parents and those who work with children and families. It's a "virtual library" of helpful materials presented by credible Canadian organizations. There are over 1,200 documents on the themes of adolescents, child care, child development, family life, health, learning activities, literacy, media influences, nutrition, parenting, physical activities, play, safety, social issues and special needs. Some of the most popular articles are on television violence, head lice, children and anger, choosing quality child care, raising children in separate homes -- to name just a few.

2.) Dr. Bruce Perry, and The Child Trauma Academy.
CTA is a not-for-profit organization based in Houston, Texas working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education. We recognize the crucial importance of childhood experience in shaping the health of the individual, and ultimately, society.  By creating  biologically-informed child and family respectful practice, programs and policy, CTA seeks to help maltreated and traumatized children.
I would recommend the article; Curiosity Pleasure and Play. With this article Dr. Perry explains the value and also brain science behind the value of play.

3.) Bev Bos- Early Childhood Educator, and Lecturer.
Bev Bos is an early childhood educator with 4o years of experience in the field. I would recommend her"Starting in a Corner" Magazine, and the opportunity to experience her lecture at her future workshop presentations. Bev's school program is in California, and tours and visits of the school can be arranged.
check out her Blog's address for links to materials, and other publications.

Course Resources

Position Statements and Influential Practices
Global Support for Children’s Rights and Well-Being

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

Looking over today’s posts I am finding encouragement and passion from leaders in the field of Early Childhood Education. It is through relating to these strong leaders in the field that we can see what is possible, and what also will drive us towards success and change for children and families in our society. Who inspires you in the field? For this post I’ll share advice and support for assisting children with distractions with school work, and also assisting children to read.  Two inspiring leaders in the field: 

Dr. Stanley Greenspan’s words of advice for Understanding Children’s Distractions
As Early Childhood Educators, and Teachers we have all worked with children with various levels of distractions in their abilities to focus and concentrate. Dr. Greenspan’s article, Understanding Children’s Distractions (2009) discusses children and how parents and educators can best support children. Greenspan (2009) states care givers should be looking at external events that may interfere with concentration. Dr. Greenspan also suggests examining if children have possible worries and fears, sensitivity to medicines, foods, or certain chemicals. Dr. Greenspan also stresses the importance of focusing on children’s strengths and abilities in other areas. Teachers need to also adjust their interaction with children to best meet the children’s needs. Dr. Greenspan suggests, explaining words through actions and pictures. Dr. Greenspan makes five suggestions to help assist your child in practicing their concentration:

1. Set up an area in your house for quiet activities that require attention
2. Take a silent, listening walk around the house, to help practice strengthening their senses.
3. Play games and activities with your children that require a time line
4. Play board games that require your children to wait and take turns
5. Identify games that your child likes to follow directions, and changes pace, like a treasure hunt.  

Greenspan, S.(2009). She Won't Sit Still! Scholastic Parent & Child, 17(4), 72-73.

Here are some tips on assisting young children with Reading 

Susan Bredekamp, and her article; Assisting Children to Read (1998)
Developmentally Appropriate Practices are ways of teaching that vary or adapt to the age and experience of the individual learner, so fundamentally we need to consider children as members of groups with their own cultural identity (Bredekamp, S & Neuman, S. 1998).
Susan Bredekamp, Early Childhood Educator and leader in the field stresses that teachers need to adapt to the needs of their students, and to also be aware of the important techniques when assisting young children to read. Bredekamp stresses, the need for dramatic play, lap-book reading, parents reading to their children in the home, and also having a library space in the classroom. Bredekamp also stresses the importance of having writing centres, and also centre space for reading. Children need to be read to aloud, and have exposure to print, and the alphabet. These opportunities to practice literacy and engage children in reading will help to develop linguistic awareness (Bredekamp, S & Neuman, S. 1998).

Bredekamp, S & Neuman, S. (1998). Learning to Read, Scholastic Early Childhood Today, 13(2), 36-37.

Words of Passion, Motivation and Wisdom:

I was inspired by the words of; Renatta M. Cooper who is a Program Specialist from the Office of Childcare in the L.A Count Chiefs Administration Office.
Renatta speaks about her passion for Early Childhood, but she also has such motivation to attack the problem of Civil Rights. Renatta say’s “This is also a Civil Rights issue, and it is also Feminist Work” (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010).  Renatta explains that, children’s education prepares children for an optimal life, opens up the world and gives children the tools that they need for a successful life. This inspires me to support children in having an optimal life. 

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010). EDUC 6605: Foundations: Early Childhood Studies [Webcast].The Passion for Early Childhood. Baltimore, MD: Author. Retrieved from

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Personal Childhood Web

In my latest post you will see my Childhood Web created with five main people in my life that surrounded me and offered nurturing and care. Who would be represented in your childhood web?

Personal Childhood Web

                                      Personal Childhood Web  

The relationship i have with my mother has always been nurturing and caring. My mother supported me by always offering guidance. My mother made me feel special by always putting my needs ahead of her own. I was made to feel special by my mother through our one on one time spent together.

My father made me feel special by making sacrifices for the betterment of my future. My father instilled in me the value of hard work and honesty. 

My Grandmother influenced me by showing me that no matter how far away you are, people still cared for me growing up. She also nurtured and cared for my success by always encouraging me. 

I always remember the kind words of encouragement from my aunt, who always attended my special events growing up. I was always made to feel special by her attendance and guidance.
One of my aunts influenced me by showing me the possibilities of success for women in life and also in business. I was always made to feel special by the time that i spent with her growing up, and the special places she would take me too.


Some of the support that I received from my grandmother growing up was packages and letters from her encouraging and acknowledging my success. 


I feel that the time the important people in my life offered me, nurtured my spirit and sense of self, which inspired me to reach for success in my life.
I feel all the individual’s in my personal web continue to support and encourage my abilities and choices in my life, continuing to offer support and guidance when I face challenges and success.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

A Child's Drawing"A Self Portrait"

The purple colored drawing was given to me by a young seven year old girl that i worked with last year. I remember her saying; "This is a gift for you", and i remember saying thank you and that i would keep the drawing.
The reason i chose to post this piece of art work was not only because of the working relationship that i had with this child, but because of the lesson that i learned in receiving this piece of art work.

I worked with the child creator of the art work for several months, and our counseling relationship grew over the months of working together, near the end of my work with this young girl she presented me with this drawing one day, as we sat and drew together.

When i received the drawing something about it really stuck with me, sure it is a "self portrait" of me,and she captured my glasses and hair length, but looking down at the drawing and also in examining the work that was established with this child, i asked myself; "how does this child really see me? positively, or negatively?  I learned it is just as important, if not more to also try to view the child's perspective on the work you may be doing. I feel evaluating this will greatly help in establishing report and relationship building when working with children.
 Not only did i receive an offering of a piece of art work, but i also received a lesson from this young child. From then on when evaluating my work with children, especially traumatized children, i always ask myself; How does that child view me, and our working relationship?

Friday, 4 November 2011

Favorite Children's Books

We all have favorite story books from our childhood, what are your favorites and why?

One story i particularly love is; "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day", written by Judith Viorst.
For those unfamiliar with the story; the book is about a young boy named Alexander who goes about his day from start to finish finding difficulties in his entire day.
I have personally used this book to teach young children that it is ok to express themselves even when having negative feelings. I find this book to be a good teacher of feeling words for young children. I also find this book to be a great resource for parents as well, in reminding ourselves that, ""yes" children have bad day too! sometimes we need to look past behaviors and see children's feelings.

Childhood Memories

What are your favorite childhood photographs?
This is one of my favorite childhood photographs not only because of the memories behind the picture, but because it reminds me of the magic and spark of childhood, how wonderful to be swept up in a wave!